Friday, November 22, 2013

Sports - Wrestling Practice

Seventh grader Santana Hutchinson, first year wrestler, practices rolling out of a wrestling hold.

Siletz Middle School wrestling team practicing at the 'Rec Center' in Siletz, Oregon. Nick Christiansen and Issac Butler in the foreground.

Coach Lee Butler's son, Issac Butler, practices wrestling.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Free Shoot

Mark Weiss has been a counselor at LBCC for 24 years. He works with students who are going through difficult times, personally or academically. He also does a lot of Career Counseling.
Before LBCC he worked primarily with families with young children. He was a counselor at The Old Mill Center for about 9 years and before that was director of Corvallis Community Day Care, for 3 years.
His greatest loves are his wife and his guitar. He loves to play music and has performed a great deal in the area, often in support of fund raisers and altruistic, humanitarian causes.
Mark Weiss

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Brick Wall

This past weekend I attended a Christian Women's Conference in Corvallis. The theme was relevant and the main speaker uplifting, funny and well spoken, as were the women who shared their testimonies. This was a very emotional and healing conference and I thought it would be a great photo opportunity for my photojournalism class, where every week I post photos on my class blog. 

I took pictures of the hundreds of women singing, praying and raising their hands to God. I took pictures of the all-woman band, including vocals, guitars, piano, drums, violin and more. I then remembered that I should ask permission before taking pictures so I asked one of the conference hostesses. She didn't know if picture taking was allowed. She said she would find someone in charge and ask them. I took a few more pictures before she came back to let me know that while I could take pictures, I would not be able to post any pictures of the women online.

It seemed there were quite a few women from a local battered women’s shelter attending the conference. These women needed to take every precaution to protect their location lest an abusive husband or boyfriend find out where they were and come looking for them. I put my camera away, deciding to just go ahead and enjoy the conference and not worry about the blog photos. I told myself to have a good attitude about it.

The problem is it’s hard to have a good attitude about domestic violence. How ridiculous is it that domestic violence is still an issue in this day and age? I’ve been in an abusive relationship. I know from experience some of the many reasons the abused person stays: “I can’t make it financially without him”, “I have to stay for the kids” and “I love him."
I’ve heard the excuses from the abuser: “I’m under so much stress”, “I blacked out” and “You shouldn’t have made me so mad”.  And I’ve heard the excuses of the friends and family and neighbors: “It’s none of my business," “She won’t listen to me anyway," and my favorite, “I’m not a cop caller."
I’m not a cop caller? Seriously? Do you hear how stupid that sounds?   
I don’t claim to have all the answers. Awareness seems to be a good place to start. Having the option of a safe place to go is good too. 
Anyway, here’s a picture that I am allowed to post on my blog from the conference.

Friday, November 8, 2013

My Neighborhood

Jacob Butler comes out of Noel's Market, the only grocery store in Siletz, OR.

Kurt Mann climbs on to the forklift at his Lumber Mill in Siletz, OR.

Veteran's Memorial at Paul Washington Cemetery, Siletz, OR.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Domestic Violence Awareness

Siletz C.A.R.E. Program tee-shirts hanging outside of the old Siletz Health Clinic for the Clothes Line Project, an event to raise awareness about domestic violence. October 4th. 

The C.A.R.E. Program offers services to victims and raises awareness about domestic violence in the Siletz area.

Brittany Russell and Kelley Ellis, Siletz C.A.R.E. Program, hand out necklaces and information to raise awareness about domestic violence before the football game in Siletz on October 4th.